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The Masters Sabi'an-Sabeans and Sons of Hermes (1 of 3)

Foto do escritor: Masonic Press AgencyMasonic Press Agency

The Masters Sabi'an-Sabeans and Sons of Hermes (1 of 3)

(''Sapiens dominabitur astris''=The Sage dominates the stars)

Victor. A. Cabello. Reyes.

''During his sojourn there he heard by chance about the wise men of Damcar''.

(Fama Fraternitatis, p.20)

The spiritual and astrological Tradition of the Sons of Hermes=Sabeos is millenary and fundamental within the development of esoteric currents and thought patterns=form of thought-, of the West.

Since the ninth century, the wise Astrologers Sabeans are already established in Harran=(lat. Carrhae), having as his Prophet Hermes Trismegistus in his Idris-Enoch mode.

Thus, for example, the enormous influence of the Arabs is known with the Emerald Table, but its dedication to high Euclidean geometry and Neoplatonic sources is eminent and significant.

Let us recall the significant influence of the sage Thabit ibn Qurra=(835-901), in the wide and formal dissemination of esoteric contents of the Pythagorean-Euclidean currents and tradition.

Thanks to him, who part of the tradition and veneration of the planets-in force since the 8th and 9th century-, he remained alive and latent surviving along with his translations from Greek and the invaluable Syriac to Arabic.

Moreover, as early as the 9th century these Sabaean Masters possess and attribute to themselves the wisdom of Hermes.

''Belonging to pagan sect of the Sabian's and at heart deeply attached to paganism, Thabit is one of the most eminent representatives in the Middle Ages of the tradition of classical culture''.

( Max Meyerhoff, in: Tobias Churton, Freemasonry The Reality, p.126)

Interestingly, they possess and acquire the name of Sabeos = Sabi'a- Arabic, in order to achieve a certain degree of protection of their ideas in Islam since the time of Caliph al-Ma'mum (813-833) and, assimilating the knowledge of the Holy Qur'an.

Later being called and recognized as a Sabaean, will be synonymous with astrologer and sage.

(Chwolsohn, Daniel, 1856. Die Ssabier und die Ssabismus, 2.Vols., St. Petersburg. Enter.)

Assyrian sources recognize the ancient site of Harran with the name of Harranu=The Way.

Probable this, because it was a place and reference point of the ancestral route that links the city with other major and important ones.

From the first centuries and during the second century the thinker and philosopher Aramaic Bardaissan of Edessa, finds fertile ground for the safe assimilation of Hermetic-astrological ideas from the Source of Primordial Tradition.

Already in 600 AD.C. the existence of an abundant collection of astrological scrolls and various prophecies will be an essential reason for the creation of the Syriac-hermetic substrate that will later resurface in the intellectual and cultural development of Islam.

(Brian P. Copenhaver, Hermetica, Int.p. XIV)

Spiritual and astrological tradition of the Kaldu Masters and sages of Haran is rich in structural and ideological contents that will be assimilated by other peoples in their traditions.

They will make a city in northern Mesopotamia, where the Chaldean Abraham resided and, where his father Terah died.

(Ge:11:31,32,12:4,5; Acts:7:2-4)

Assimilation and fusion of hermetic ideas understood through currents identified with the biblical Qur'anic Idris and Enoch.

''In any case, the Sabi'an movement was a notable chapter in the history of Hermetism that foreshadowed a lively career for Hermes in the world of Islam, for it was not only the unorthodox who regarde him as a Prophet''.

( B. Copenhaver, Hermetica, XIvi)

The Hermetic doctrines of Sabeans impregnated with the essence of the Cosmos and universal life of the world, conceived as matrix and 'Soul of the world' according to Macrobius.

According to astrologers and 'Theourgians' you know the heavens and spheres are living beings or entities with life.

The zodiac, Source of Emanation -descending-, organized as the soul of the world immersed in the formative constitution of man himself.

One might think: The soul of the Universe becomes One with the Soul of Man. Among the Mysteries of the Soul, SABA is the Elder.

The Masters Sabi'an-Sabeos and Sons of Hermes (1 of 3)

(''Sapiens dominabitur astris''=The Sage dominates the stars)

Victor. A. Cabello. Reyes.

The Masters Sabi'an-Sabeans and Sons of Hermes (1 of 3)
The Masters Sabi'an-Sabeans and Sons of Hermes (1 of 3)


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