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Réouverture des Écoles: les enfants transmettent probablement le coronavirus autant que les adultes

Réouverture des Écoles: les enfants transmettent probablement le coronavirus autant que les adultes

La charge virale semble identique entre enfants et adultes, et cela doit encore être vérifié par des études plus larges.

Dernière étude en date: CHU La Charité Berlin et centre de Cambridge.

Conclusions: The viral loads observed in the present study, combined with earlier findings of similar attack rate between children and adults (2 ) , suggest that transmission potential in schools and kindergartens should be evaluated using the same assumptions of infectivity as for adults. There are reasons to argue against the notion of adult-like infectivity in children, such as the fact that asymptomatic children do not spread the virus by coughing, and have smaller exhaled air volume than adults. However, there are other arguments that speak in favour of transmission, such as the greater physical activity and closer social engagement of children. We recommend collecting and evaluating more viral load data from testing laboratories to achieve more robust statistical assessments and independent confirmation of the present results. Based on the absence of any statistical evidence for a different viral load profile in children found in the present study, we have to caution against an unlimited re-opening of schools and kindergartens in the present situation, with a widely susceptible population and the necessity to keep transmission rates low via non-pharmaceutical interventions.

Children may be as infectious as adults.

Texte original en Allemand avec traduction en Anglais et en Russe sur le site:

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