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International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”

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International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”.

International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”. PRESIDENTE* DO CENTRO DE ESTUDOS MAÇÓNICOS FERNANDO PESSOA PARTICIPA EM CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL It is as President of the Fernando Pessoa Center for Masonic Studies that he presents his work “THE POWER OF EUROPE” at this International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”. ABSTRACT The Europeans are already beyond the democracy of self-assertion and self-knowledge. If an Estate didn’t assume these two announced sides it would become an Estate of Exception, putting its nature of power with the absence of democratic legitimation. We are in an European power that predominates already the formation of social power itself, turning it into something accepted and desirable, diffuse and personal, institutionalized and receded. The language has become the express power and authority which uses words for understanding and obedience. In a utopia that this power serves commonweal, in an elegant, sober and clear, objective and persuasive way.

They use the language of power between love and passion.

A modern way of imposing power without disobedience.

Legitimate and sanctioned power of nowadays agrees with the authority, passion, social barriers maintenance so that we can nourish the desire of this feeling. Citizens are treated like lovers, promoting them happiness and satisfaction, like if there was an affective feeling. And if passion is lost, with it, there will be a possible defeat in the elections. Sadness will invade people and difficulties will reach its completeness leading the “in-love elector” to be happy only if he obtains the object of his passion. But we still have another concept that can shake this passion by European policies or even, by the policies of each of the European States: lie. Describing truth declarations may lead to believe that this declaration is suspicious, false, as much as one of the characters (the listener) believes in this disfigurement of truth. The disfigurement of truth matches a set of events that can be a truth with the intention of causing an action of deception or mistake.

But for this brief resume what seems to me of the most important relevance is the conscious disfigurement of truth. And what conscious disfigurements of truth can we already translate into this resume of Communication? In a very brief perspective, we find that the deletion of a transformation consists of eliminating a subset of events, knowing that in this European policy, and too often, the hiding of the real status of these very occurrences are promoted. And in limit situations whenever silence is used. There is also the conscious transformation of events and “strange” objects, that are used to produce deletion. These observations already allow us to understand that this is our time, where disfigurement of truth has ontological, gnosiologic and linguistic causes.

So as inconstancy of truth, the inaccurate delimitation of objects, events and situations; or where the virtue of acts and messages are disfigured from the truth in order to avoid talking about the reality of conscience and, at last, the general character with inaccurate reference of objects and events in texts.

International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”.
International Congress “Europe of Nations – Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses”.


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