Initiatory Variations on the Chivalric Theme
Víctor. A. Cabello. Reyes
Initiation is a spiritual process that has several ways of being interpreted.
We can look for some of its "roots" among the ancestral cults of Sumer and Babylon, and, in solar rites of Hermopolis in Egypt.
Or, who knows, whether to immerse ourselves in their practical affinities of the Mystery schools of Isis and Osiris. Possibly explore its origins, among the rich and enigmatic Dionysian/Orphic Mysteries, Greek Eleusians and Mithraics of Ancient Rome.
It would be fascinating, if we could still look even further- 'centuries further back'-, at the enigmatic and ancient pre-Sumerian Civilizations and at the origins of Indus cultures and pre-Olmec America.
Everything will depend on the particular line of study and direction. The Petra Genitrix of the whole thing can be treated in such a way as to illuminate the so-called Path of Initiation.
He who will call himself initiated into the mysteries must first recognize himself; "Candidate", to be able to enter the levels or facets of initiation from there.
It must be a personal, internal and "chosen" calling.
No one knocks on the doors of the temple for the first time, by himself.
Neither below nor above!
To enter the temple, the layman-candidate must be attached to the "cord or rope-rope" that will 'keep him bound' and 'protected' within the rigorous process of initiation.
Then, it will be transform this rope-thread in powerful GOLD Chain.
In ancient ceremonies the candidates went through very severe tests even before the arduous initiatory process.
Peter Furst, refers about the intake of Sacred Plants, in initiatory processes of 'shamans' since prehistoric times.
More than 50,000 years ago and many among the "ancient Neanderthals were really magnificent Yerberos".
(Peter Furst, Hallucinogens and Culture p.20)
Evidence that by initiatory nature projects direction and objectives of the same process.
Internal initiatory process ritually expressed by constant and well-directed ablutions, purifications and physical, moral and emotional preparations.
Dr. Albert Hoffman, Dr. Richard Evans and Dr. Cristian Ratsch, in the extraordinary and scholarly work: Plants of The Gods (2001), expose abundant and very new evidence about the wonderful sacred plants.
Let's see:
''Plants that alter the normal functions of the mind and body have ALWAYS been considered by peoples... as sacred, and the allucinogens have been' 'plants of the GODS'' par EXCELLENCE.''
The German toxicologist, Dr. Louis Lewin, called the plants psychotropic.
For millennia they have been an active part among multiple initiatory processes. Shiva and the Datura, Henbane= ( Hyoscyamus albus ) in the oracles and rituals of Greece.
Let us remember the Amanita Muscaria and the Sacred Deer Way of Nierika.
They are initiatory processes that gradually move us away from the darkness and manage to facilitate direct contact with the 'light energy cones' = complementary vibration waves-light-energy.
Initiation comes from the Latin, "Initiare" in direct translation of the Hellenistic concept of the Greek verb Myen.
The Myesis or Greek initiation.
The verb Myen means = "to close", in reference to the symbolism of closing the eyes (before perceiving the other form of luminosity) or, to close the lips especially "vow of Silence".
Silence for the Masters is the most cherished stage of knowledge.
Silence, as a gain of Knowledge-Wisdom.
Initiatory Variations on a Chivalrous Theme
@Victor. A. Cabello. Reyes