Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York
My Brothers,
We are now preparing to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday Season.
It is also a time when we start looking towards Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, the New Year and other celebrations. We are also adding the wearing of masks, staying 6 feet away from each other, increased handwashing, etc. In all the changes that are happening, we can still find things to be thankful for.
While we cannot ignore the results of Covid-19 as it continues to circulate through humanity, we now have a renewed feeling for the “essential” workers from those in healthcare to those who stock the grocery shelves. We will want to pass the gravy at the dinner table, but instead will be sharing with our friends and family on a screen. It is a safe way to give thanks.
Last year at this time we were packing items for our military. That has not been forgotten, just postponed until a time we can safely gather to handle this. We never forget them.
On behalf of myself, Nancy, our Deputy Grand Master R∴W∴ Richard Kessler and Joanne, the entire elected and appointed members of the Grand Line and their ladies, your local District Deputies, Staff Officers, Assistant Grand Lecturers and their ladies, as well as the Worshipful Masters and officers of each lodge in our jurisdiction, we are all pleased to extend this greeting to you.
In addition, let us implore the Great Architect of the Universe to protect the members of our Armed Forces as they are protecting us, wherever in the world they may be serving as well as all our domestic First Responders, and our Brothers and Sisters all over the world.
May He keep them safe and out of harm's way so they can continue their important efforts and bring them home safely to their families and friends!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
MW William M. Sardone Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York