中國美生總會總會長程大同尊兄率領中國美生總會職員與兄弟參加菲律賓總會第398分會-孫逸仙廬新任會長WM Sammy C. Chiu及其職員就職典禮,並拜訪菲律賓總會總會長邀請他率團參加今年十月份的年會與中國美生總會成立70周年慶。
MW Jackson Cheng, Grand Master of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of China accompanied by his Grand officers and brothers visited the installation of Worshipful Master WM Sammy C. Chiu and his officers of Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Lodge, No. 398 of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Philippines. GLFAMC