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Harmonious Echoes: Exploring the Masonic Melodies

Writer's picture: My FraternityMy Fraternity

Exploring Freemasonry's Musical Legacy: Unveiling Masonic Songs

Dive into the enchanting world of Freemasonry's musical heritage with our collection of Masonic songs and verses.

As we journey through the corridors of Masonic history, these lyrical compositions provide a melodious glimpse into the heart and soul of the Brotherhood.

From anthems of unity and camaraderie to odes that pay homage to the timeless traditions, these songs resonate with the essence of Freemasonry.

Join us in discovering the harmonious threads that bind Masonic brethren through song, celebrating the shared values and timeless bonds that have endured across generations.

Freemasonry: Lyrics of Masonic Songs

7th May 2012

Festive Board

Eternal Father

Eternal father, strong to save

Whose arms hath bound the restless wave,

Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep

It’s own appointed limits keep.

O hear us when we cry to the

For those in peril on the sea.

O Trinity of love and power

Our Brethren shield in dangers hour,

From rock and tempest, fire and foe

Protect them whereso’er they roam.

Thus evermore shall rise to thee

Glad hymn of praise from land and sea.

So Mote it be

Absent Brethren

Holy Father, in Thy mercy

Hear our anxious prayer,

Keep our loved ones, now far absent

`Neath Thy care

When in sorrow, when in danger.

When in loneliness

In Thy love look down and comfort

Their distress

Father, in Thy love and power

Architect Divine

Bless them, guide them, save them, keep them,

They are Thine

So mote it be.

General Toast

Prosper the art, prosper the art,

Join in the chorus, prosper the art.

Personal Toast

Let us have harmony.

Let us have harmony,

Let us have harmony, so say we all.

Peace, Love and harmony. so say we all


Join us in harmony, so say we all.


Song Of Welcome

Brethren from the East and West.

Who have stood the Tyler’s Test,

You will find a welcome here,

Bright, Fraternal and sincere.


Warm Masonic hearts to meet you,

Hands of fellowship to greet you,

May our welcome here today

Cheer each Brother on his way.

We salute the man of worth.

Whether high or low his birth,

Whatsoever be his lot

Rich or poor it matters not.

And when we have said adieu,

May our love remain with you,

And may we renew that love,

In a Grander Lodge Above.

Visitor’s Toast

Brother(or: Worthy) Freemasons all.

Brother Freemasons all,

The King and the craft, the mystic tie,

Brother Freemasons all.

The Entered Apprentice’s Song


Come, let us prepare; We Brothers that are

Met together on merry Occasion;

Let’s drink, laugh and sing; Our Wine has a Spring,

Here’s a health to an Accepted Mason.


Let’s drink, laugh and sing; Our Wine has a Spring,

Here’s a health to an Accepted Mason.


The world is in pain our secrets to gain,

But still let them wonder and gaze on;

‘Til they’re shown the Light; They’ll ne’er know the Right

Word or Sign of an Accepted Mason.


‘Til they’re shown the Light; They’ll ne’er know the Right

Word or Sign of an Accepted Mason.


Tis this and ’tis that, They cannot tell what,

Why so many great Men of the Nation,

Should Aprons put on, To make themselves one.

With a Free or an Accepted Mason.


Should Aprons put on, To make themselves one.

With a Free or an Accepted Mason.


Great Kings Dukes and Lords have laid by their swords,

This our Mist’ry to put a good grace on;

And ne’er been ashamed to hear themselves named

With a Free or an Accepted Mason.


And ne’er been ashamed to hear themselves named

With a Free or an Accepted Mason.

5.–Solo :

Antiquity’s pride We have on our side,

It makes each man just in his station;

There’s nought but what’s good to be understood

By a Free or an Accepted Mason.


There’s nought but what’s good to be understood

By a Free or an Accepted Mason.

6.–Solo :

We’re true and sincere, We’re just to the Fair;

They’ll trust us on any occasion;

No mortal can more The Ladies adore

Than a Free and an Accepted Mason.


No mortal can more The Ladies adore

Than a Free and an Accepted Mason.

All standing and joining hand, right over left

7.–Solo :

Then joyn hand in hand, T’each other firm stand;

Let’s be merry and put a bright face on:

What mortal can boast so noble a toast

As a Free or an Accepted Mason.


What mortal can boast so noble a toast

As a Free or an Accepted Mason

Master’s Song


This world is so hard and so stony;

That if a man is to get through,

He’d need have the courage of Nelson,

And plenty of Job’s patience too.

But a man who is kind to another

And cheerfully helps him along,

God Bless such a man and a brother,

And here’s to his health in a song.

And here’s to his health, here’s to his health

And here’s to his health in a song.

All sing Chorus:

And here’s to his health, here’s to his health

And here’s to his health in a song.


This life is as cheerless as Winter,

To those who are cold in the heart;

but a man who is warm in his nature,

Bids Winter for ever depart

The ground that he treads on will blossom,

`Till beauty around him shall throng;

God Bless such a man and a brother,

And here’s to his health in a song.

And here’s to his health; here’s to his health

And here’s to his health in a song.

All sing Chorus


As clouds that in sunshine are open,

And silvered by light passing through;

So men who are generous in spirit,

Are blessed by the good deeds they do;

There’s nothing like helping another

For getting one’s own self along;

Who does this is truly a brother.

And here’s to his health in a song.

And here’s to his health; here’s to his health

And here’s to his health in a song.

All standing sing chorus

The Installation of the Master Elect

Stand forth O worthy Craftsmen,

In order’s fair array,

Stand forth with strains of gladness,

To greet our festal day.

Praise we the Great Creator,

Our hearts and voices raise,

His gates with songs to enter,

And tread His courts with praise.

Here joined in holy union,

Assembling year by year,

With one accord to serve Him,

We in the Lodge appear.

So with a joyful anthem,

Our praises shall unite:

May this our humble service,

Be pleasing in His sight.

So Mote It Be.


Opening Ode

Hail! Eternal! by whose aid

All created things were made;

Heaven and earth Thy vast design;

Hear us, Architect Divine!

May our work begun in Thee,

Ever blest with order be;

And may we when labours cease,

Part in harmony and peace.

By Thy Glorious Majesty-

By the trust we place in Thee-

By the badge and mystic sign-

Hear us! Architect Divine!

So mote it be

Closing Ode

Now the evening shadows closing.

Warn from toil to peaceful rest;

Mystic arts and rights reposing

Sacred in each faithful breast.

God of Light, whose love unceasing

Doth to all Thy works extend,

Crown our Order with Thy blessing,

Build,-sustain us to the end.

Humbly now we bow before Thee,

Grateful for Thy aid divine;

Everlasting power and glory,

Mighty Architect! be Thine.

So mote it be

Third Degree

Days and moments quickly flying,

Blend the living with the dead;

Soon will you and I be lying

Each within his narrow bed.

Soon our souls to God Who gave them

Will have sped their rapid flight;

Able now by grace to save them,

Oh! that while we can we might.

As the tree falls, so must it lie;

As the man lives, so must he die;

As the man dies, so must he be

All through the days of eternity.

So mote it be.

Tyler’s Ode and Toast – South Australia

“Architect for Thy protection

Now we humbly pray:

Guard and comfort all our brethren

Far away;

Grant that we in true remembrance

May not be remiss;

Let them know that in this hour ’tis

Them we miss;

If their absence be through wandering

Or through grief or pain:

Bless them, heal them, bring them to us

Safe again.”

The Tyler’s Toast is then proposed by the Tyler standing and is honoured

in silence with all seated:-

“To all poor and distressed Masons, wherever dispersed over the face of

earth or water; wishing them a speedy relief from all their sufferings,

and a safe return to their native country if they so desire.”

The manner of giving the Toast and the words are prescribed in our

ritual book.

Courtesy of Richard Num Sth Australia

A contemporary depiction of Masonic brethren coming together in song, celebrating unity and camaraderie through music.
Harmonies of Brotherhood: Modern Masonic Musical Tribute



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